818 State Route 37, Akwesasne NY
Located across from the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Resort, Station 1 is centrally located in the jurisdiction of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe. Station 1 houses two Engines, two Engine Tankers, one Aerial Ladder Truck, two Miscellaneous pickup trucks, one Air Boat, one Brush Truck, and one Rehab Support Trailer.


Fire Engine
E-291 is our primary response engine to all structural related calls such as Structure Fires, Alarm Activations, and secondary response engine for Wildland Fires.

Rescue Engine
E-91 is our primary response engine to all vehicle, rescue, and hazardous materials related incidents.

Engine Tanker
ETA-296 is a 2006 Freightliner and is our primary response apparatus to all Wildland Fire incidents. It also runs secondary to all structural and rescue incidents.

Engine Tanker
ETA-96 is a primary response apparatus for all Fires and Mutual Aid.

Aerial Ladder
T-94Â is a primary response apparatus for all Structure Fires, Technical Rescue Incidents, and Mutual Aid.

Miscellaneous Unit
M-299 is a support unit and the uses range from shuttling man power to mutual aid calls, to pulling boats and trailers with primary response apparatus and support equipment, or responding to flooded basements.

Miscellaneous Unit
M-99 is loaded with Ice Rescue equipment during the winter months, and Wildland Fire Equipment during the spring, summer, and fall months. This apparatus will also tow an Air Boat or Brush Truck.

Brush Truck
BT-1Â is a primary response apparatus for all Wildland Fires and Land Search and Rescue Incidents.

Air Boat
Marine 2 is used for Ice Water/Water Rescues at any time of year. It is also used to shuttle equipment and personnel to our islands for calls of fire.

Emergency Response Trailer
ERT-1 is a 2012 Stealth trailer. It is used primarily for large scale incidents, long duration incidents or incidents where extreme heat or cold conditions can have an impact on personnel. It is also where EMS agencies can set up for rehab (vitals check) of firefighters who come out of burning structures. The trailer also carries a mobile cascade system so we can refill our breathing air while on scene of calls that require it.